Math is HOT!!!
Name: Ms Metro
Email Address: metro.katherine@district205.net
Phone number: (708) 225-4775
I am Ms Metro. Thornwood Freshman Algebra I teacher. Our curriculum reflectsthe Common Core State Standards of Mathematics(CCSSM). We strongly encouragestudents to use the following practices in every math course.Standards of Mathematical Practice:1. Make Sense of Problems and Persevere in Solving Them2. Reason Abstractly and Quantitatively3. Construct Viable Arguements and Critique the Reasoning of Others4. Model with Mathematics5. Use Appropriate Tools Strategically6. Attend to Precision7. Look for and Make Use of Structure8. Look for Express Regularity in Repeated ReasoningAlgebra I topics reflects the CCSSM content and is modeled after the Dana Centercontent.Traditional PathwaysExpressionsIntroduction to Function ModelingLinear Functions and ModelingEquations/Inequalities of 1 VariableEquations /Inequalities of 2 variablesQuadratic Functions and ModelingQuadratic EquationsDescriptive StatisticsMath Links/ASAP link ASAP link
Last Modified on December 5, 2014