Career Focus
Career Development System (CDS) is one of the statewide network of Education for Employment (EFE) groups, whose primary goal is to establish quality Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs that incorporate the knowledge and skills needed in life as an integral part of academic and CTE programming and emphasize the continuum of learning from elementary through post secondary education.ASVAB
The ASVAB was developed by the U.S. Department of Defense. The ASVAB Career Exploration Program was developed with input from a panel of career development experts and designed to encourage students to increase their level of self-knowledge and to understand how that information could be linked to civilian and military occupational characteristics.The ASVAB Program recently was re-designed to be helpful to virtually all students, whether they are planning on immediate employment after high school in civilian or military occupations, or further education at a university, community college, or vocational institution.
4CM helps students learn about their career from the people who work them everyday. Mentors post their career information and answer questions from students like you! Find out more about your intended career staright from the source! Browse 4CM today.
The place to explore careers related to your strengths, skills and talents. Although this is set up for New York, the information for careers is universal and informative.ACT Career Info Explore major and occupation descriptions provided by ACT. Excite your students about their future and help them create powerful plans to realize their goals. The Bureau of Labor Statistics is the principal fact-finding agency for the Federal Government in the broad field of labor economics and statistics. Find careers related to specific subjects you enjoy the most in school. Career Assessments The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee has listed a handful of websites that will allow you to match careers based on self assessment tools. Take the tests and find your match. Career Forward The CareerForward course is a self-contained online learning course that may be used in companion with a variety of online career planning tools to provide students with the opportunity to assess their career interests, explore career options and create an educational development plan.
The Career Key™ gives you expert help with your career search and career choices -- career change, career planning, job skills, and choosing a college major. Our career assessment helps you find a career by matching your personality with careers and providing you complete and accurate information about each career you choose to explore. Career OneStop CareerOneStop is a U.S. Department of Labor-sponsored Web site that offers career resources and workforce information to job seekers, students, businesses, and workforce professionals to foster talent development in a global economy. CareerPath.com is a career resource center that will assist you in making the right career decisions. Assistance is provided with career tests, advice and resources.
Career Voyages This web site is the result of a collaboration between the U.S. Department of Laborand the U.S. Department of Education. It is designed to provide information on high growth, in-demand occupations along with the skills and education needed to attain those jobs.Collegeboard Career Browser Explore major and career profiles with Collegeboard. Hire Diversity HireDiversity.com is the Nation´s leading online service for diversity recruitment and career development. HireDiversity.com provides top quality services and networking opportunities, while linking under-represented candidates with Fortune 1000 Corporations, Government Agencies, and Non-Profit/Educational Institutions. This is a questionnaire about your personality that provides feedback on possible careers that would match your interests and personality. Life Paths Get assistance regarding that next step in your life - college, career, job, volunteer work, or even gaining life experiences. Do you need to find a college major? A minor? MyMajors.com provides useful advice on finding a college major that a high school student or college freshman with your interests and achievements might enjoy and excel in. Occupational Outlook Handbook The Occupational Outlook Handbook is a nationally recognized source of career information, designed to provide valuable assistance to individuals making decisions about their future work lives. The U.S. Military consists of five active-duty Services and their respective Guard and Reserve units. Together, they offer a broad variety of ways to serve. Here you will find a link to each of them. Explore vocational and technical careers, check out the skills employers really want, find a trade school, research technical topics and take a look at the current job market. (table courtesy of Counselor Utopia (www.counselorutopia.webs.com)
Last Modified on January 13, 2014