Phone: 708-225-4970, cell: 708-699-2997


Degrees and Certifications:

Master's in Multi-Categorical Special Education, LBS 1, Undergraduate in Applied Behavioral Science

Mrs. Michelle Liberio #1

I am a parent of three adult children, who all have learning differences. They are my inspiration for becoming a special education teacher. I have a passion for the challenges of what teaching offers.


Phone: 708-225-4970, cell: 708-699-2997

Philosophy: Everyone can learn

Homework: If students have not completed their work during the school day, they may have homework in the evening.

  • This Weeks Skills
    Math: Students have been working on the next dollar up strategy.
    Students read more of the book, "Because of Winn Dixie".
    This weeks Highlights
    Students made a list for our Thanksgiving Dinner.
    Students went shopping for items by themselves with paraprofessionals observing.
    Students cooked the items on the menu.
    Students, paraprofessionals and the teacher all enjoyed the Thanksgiving Dinner on Wednesday!
    Have a safe Holiday Weekend!