Lifetime Overall Skills and Wellness
PE 1
Driver's Education
Unit Topics
Approximate time (weeks)
Key Ideas and Concepts
3 weeks
- Traffic laws
- Sharing the road
- Driving under the influence
- Traffic violations/crashes
- Roadway signs
- Traffic signals and pavement markings
- Safe driving tips
- Traffic Stop Procedures
The Driving Task
1.5 weeks
- Drivers Responsibility
- The Driving Task
- The HTS system
- Instrument controls and devices
- Pre-driving procedures
- Post-driving procedures
IPDE Process
2.5 weeks
- Identify
- Predict
- Decide
- Execute
- Traffic signs
Controlling Your Vehicle
2.5 weeks
- Gravity and Energy of Motion
- Friction and Traction
- Stopping distance
- Controlling Force of Impact
- Steering, Signaling, and Changing Lanes
- Making Turns and Turning the Vehicle Around
- Parking
Different Driving Environments
3 weeks
- Urban Driving Situations
- Rural Driving Situations
- Expressway Driving Situations
- Adverse Driving conditions
- Handling Emergencies
Being A Responsible Driver
3 weeks
- Effects of Alcohol and Other Drugs
- Traffic Laws Governing the Use of Alcohol and Other Drugs
- Buying a Vehicle
- Insuring a Vehicle
- Environmental Concerns