

    Driver's Education, Health, and Physical Education

    Physical Education & Family and Consumer Sciences both focus on the individual development of our students through application of skills in a cooperative learning environment. Students focus on holistic health developing intrinsic motivation improving their mental, physical, social, and nutritional components of daily life and life-long development. Through course work and application students will learn applied health studies to develop skills becoming productive healthy members of our community and global society.

    Drivers Education Common Learning Objectives

     Students will be able to demonstrate and explain the Identify, Predict, Decide, and Execute (IPDE) process of driving.

     Students will be able to perform the 4 basic driving maneuvers (Turns, parking, turnabouts, & lane changes) properly and safely.

     Students will be able to plan the purchase of a vehicle and understand the total costs involved in vehicle ownership through a web-quest project.

     Students will be able to plan a vacation/trip, traveling by automobile to an assigned state according to the assigned rubric.

    Health Common Learning Objectives

    Students will be able to understand and articulate the importance of good mental, emotional, and social health; the three aspects of the health triangle.

    Students will be able to demonstrate the proper technique for CPR and the use of an AED machine.

    Students will be able to identify the four major food groups and the vitamins and minerals needed to sustain a healthy and nutritious lifestyle.

    Students will be able to identify and demonstrate the basic physical activities required to sustain a healthy physical lifestyle.

    Students will be able to understand and articulate the importance of abstinence from potentially harmful activities such as drugs/alcohol use and unprotected sex.

    Strength and Conditioning Common Learning Objectives

    Students will be able to explain, safely, and correctly perform the core weight room lifts (Bench Press, Squat, Dead Lift, Military Press, and Incline Press).

    Students will be able to identify the major muscle groups, their function, location, and the exercises/lifts that train each major muscle group.

    Students will be able to take personal fitness/athletic performance data and apply learned skills and exercises to improve fitness/performance.

    Physical Education Learning Objectives

    Students will participate in physical activities that contribute to the attainment and maintenance of their personal fitness goals

    Pre-test and post-test to establish baseline fitness information for muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, body composition, heart rate and cardiovascular endurance.

    Students will identify and define the health related and skill related components of physical fitness.

    Students will identify the benefits of exercise through participation in leisure activities.

    Students will analyze individual fitness data and create short and long term goals to maintain and/or improve health-related fitness components.

    Students will be able to demonstrate the ability to apply content knowledge, such as rules, roles, & strategies to an elected fitness activity.

    Students will assess how personal needs are met, such as wellness, enjoyment, challenge, and social interaction, during an elected fitness activity.

    Students will analyze how cooperative problem solving and inclusion skills contribute to life outside of school.

    Students will be able to participate in water recreational activities by utilizing basic swim skills and water safety knowledge.