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    Need a tutor beyond CP and TASP help here at school?  Click here to see a wealth of resources for tutoring available to you!

      Print out your own BELL SCHEDULE to follow your classes!
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    Preview ALL TR Academic Support Services - Click Here
    Preview the suggested TR Student Success Plan - Click Here



    Keys to Achieving Good Grades

    The Keys to Achieving Good Grades handout gives you the top 10 habits/routines that will help you achieve good grades.  Compare these ideas to what you are doing now and see where and how you can implement the ideas you are not using at this time.  You WILL see your grades improve!  We understand not everybody can be a straight A student - but we do know that everybody can improve if they are willing to do the work!
    For your enjoyment, print out and complete our Study Skills Word Search Puzzle that lists all the key ideas that should be considered if you wish to earn good grades consistently in your academic career.  Complete it yourself, or print out for your class - but, think about the words you are searching for and how they relate to you!


    Thornridge CP TUTORING

    Contact your teacher(s) to make an appointment for CP (Communication Period) tutoring from 2:30-3:00pm.  It is highly suggested that you take advantage of this opportunity if you are struggling, or even if you want to stay on top of your academics!  To find the contact information for your teachers, take a look through our TR Directory, call or email your teacher(s) for CP appointments or to have questions and concerns addressed!

    Thornridge students have the opportunity to receive tutoring every Saturday from 8am-12pm.  Students may arrive at anytime between these hours and may leave anytime up until 12pm - the only requirement is that students must sign in and sign out to attend. 

    TASP (Thornridge After School Program)

    The Thornridge After School Program is held Monday through Thursday in the school library from 3pm to 4pm.  Teachers and student tutors are available daily to assist students with homework, class  assignments, PLATO, credit recovery classes, PSAE/ACT prpep and projects. 
    In order to attend TASP, students must sign the TASP Student Rules and Responsibilities Form- which states they will adhere to all school rules, bring assigned work/activities with them and sign in each day they attend the program.  Registration/fee for this program is not required; all Thornridge students are welcome!
    Teachers can refer a student to TASP with the TASP Referral Form.


    For those students looking to practice their Math, Science, Reading and/or English skills - consider practicing on PLATO (computer program)!  For additional information on PLATO please contact Ms. Malopsy in C206A, at malopsy.patricia@district205.net, or call 708-271-4612.

    The teachers from the Southwest Suburban Conference have comprised a list of personal tutors that parents and students may wish to utilize.  Tutoring through this list is not a SWSC activity.  The tutor and student are responsible for all arrangements and conditions.  The distribution of this list serves only as a service and reference for parents wishing to arrange personal tutoring services.

    Khan Academy 
    Watch. Practice. learn almost anything for free at Khan Academy online.
    With over 3,100 videos on everything from Math, Science, English to Social Studies with hundreds of specific skills to practice.  Khan Academy helps you learn what you want, when you want, at your own pace...for FREE!!!!

    study skills
    College Study Skills Suggestions

    Many colleges and universities have study centers that provide study skills assistance for their students.  Many are very detailed and can be extremely helpful for any student at any level.  A few of the top-notch websites have been categorized for you here.

    Time Management

    Time management is a major skill to have in order to be academically successful.  Time management allows you to prioritize your assignments, studying, chores, personal outings, and more...but first, you need a Personal Calendar to keep you on track!  You need one place to write down what needs to be done, mark deadlines, set reminders, and to set your goals.  Use a calendar provided in this link or customize one here to fit your needs.

    Weekly Progress Report

    If a student or parent wants to know the updated progress for a student's academic, behavioral and social performance in all his/her classes.  Use the Counselor Weekly Progress Report to get detailed information to analyze the student's status.  You may also use the Weekly Grade Sheet.

    Dictionary and Thesaurus

    Use this online Dictionary and Thesaurus to help you learn new words, get deifinitions, synonyms, antonyms, etc.  You can even play word games to familiarize and expand your vocabulary.  Here are some of the reasons this source is a great source:
    • Exclusive Webster’s New World College Dictionary definitions
    • Business, computer, finance, idioms, legal, medical, and telecom definitions
    • Full Roget’s Thesaurus (synonyms)
    • Free audio pronunciations
    • Etymology, usage examples and quotes
    • Language articles and forum
    • Word games and Word of the day
    • User comments and member word lists
    • Easy dictionary search

    Homework Help School Work features homework help with a variety of school subject tutorials.
    Internet Library The Internet Library is a free source to find articles for the Internet community.
    Memorization Here are a few techniques you can use to help in memorization of materials.
    Memorization Here are a variety of ways to improve your memory for both academic and personal gain.
    Memorization These tools help you remember people's names more effectively, improve your recall of information in exams, increase the speed with which you can learn vocabulary, and help you in situations where you need to remember detailed, structured information.
    Here is a website that offers study guides, prep materials and information to assist students with everyday academics.
    Enjoy these "How to" articles that outline strategies for approaching a varity of academic endeavors.
    Study Skills Browse through various study guides for improving academic strategies and personal improvement - very informative.
    Study Skills Websites The following Web sites provide tips to help you study more effectively, manage your time, organize yourself, take better notes, become testwise, and handle the stresses of student life.
    Study Skills Websites Learning Centers around the country have made information available on a variety of study skills topics.  They have categorized some really great sites.
    Test Taking Strategies Learn some very good test taking strategies from the BYU website.


    Vocabulary.com is a free resource used in over 20,000 schools to enhance vocabulary mastery & written/verbal skills with Latin & Greek roots.
    Writing a Research Paper   Understand the steps it takes to write a quality research paper. Here you will learn steps to take and see visual prompts for better understanding.
    Writing APA Style Here are various references to FAQ's about APA, sample papers and more.
    Writing MLA Style   Here you will find many sample citations that should cover almost every resource you could possible use for your research paper.
    (table courtesy of Counselor Utopia (http://www.counselorutopia.webs.com/)

    not an option

Last Modified on October 3, 2017