TRIO Programs
The Federal TRIO Programs (TRIO) are Federal outreach and student services programs designed to identify and provide services for individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds.
TALENT SEARCHEducational Talent Search is one of the Federal TRIO programs, authorized by Title IV of the Higher Educational Act of 1965. Its legislative purpose is to help participants complete high school and to successfully enter post-secondary educational programs. Thornridge utilizes this resource through South Suburban College. You can view the website here.Complete an application if you are interested in services and return it to Mrs. Parker in C114.
The following services are provided by this office:- Information about academic, career, and vocational opportunities
- Study Skills Development
- Information about college admissions and financial aid
College campus visits (In-State and Out-of-State)
Assistance with ACT/Sat preparation and registration
- Visitations to businesses, industries, and cultural sites
- Workshops and in-school sessions relevant for educational opportunities beyond high school
- Individual and small group tutoring sessions
UPWARD BOUNDThe Upward Bound Programs/Project FAME/Upward Bound (1983) and Upward Bound II (1999) provide academic skills and motivational activities that increase secondary school completion and enrollment and graduates from postsecondary education. The mission is to produce successful,responsible high school students and college graduates, who will develop personal morality and become the future leaders of tomorrow.Upward Bound students must seriously want to attend college, be willing to work hard towards that goal, have a sincere desire to take advantage of their abilities, and demonstrate perseverance. Preparing for college is a SERIOUS ENDEAVOR.Thornridge utilizes this resource through Chicago State University. You can view the website here. Complete an application if you are interested in services and return them to Mrs. Parker in C114.
Last Modified on October 31, 2017