Peer Mediation
Peer mediation is a program designed to teach students to peacefully resolve conflicts with their peers. Students can be referred by faculty or can apply for mediation themselves. It is highly suggested that continuing issues be addressed through peer mediation so they do not linger and cause a distraction for all students involved. The number one priority in school for all students is the right to an education. If there are problems, students can solve them with the help of peer mediation - allowing them to focus on their academic success. See the Peer Mediation Brochure for more details. If you seek or suggest peer mediation for yourself or other students, please complete a Peer Mediation Referral Form and submit it to room E104, or the mailbox of Ms. Sherita Robinson or Mr. Steve Valant (email referrals will not be accepted - a form must be completed and submitted).WHAT IS PEER MEDIATION?Peer mediation is the process where students take an active role in resolving conflicts and determining solutions to problems by initiating face-to-face discussions between students. Disputants are joined by two peer mediators or an adult mentor.WHEN IS PEER MEDIATION NECESSARY?When students encounter a problem they are unable to solve without help. Generally the problem is between two students and may involve gossip, rumors, teasing, property, friendship issues, girlfriend/boyfriend issues or name calling.HOW DOES PEER MEDIATION WORK?- Complete a peer mediation referral form (linked above) - emails are not acceptable- Referrals will be reviewed and scheduled for mediation within 24-72 hours of receipt- The two disputants will meet with one or two student mediators- The disputants and mediators sign a peace treaty
Last Modified on October 2, 2017