PURPOSECounselors will meet with students individually to personally guide them in areas ofcharacter building, academics, college, careers, extracurricular activities, scholarships,personal matters, and more.Appointments allow the counselor to get to know the students in regard to their generalbackground, academic status, activity involvement, college and career interests, future plansor goals, etc.PARENTS: Please make an appointment (or give advanced notice) prior to visiting theschool. This way we can block out a time of undivided attention to you and yourconcerns. Parents who come in without notice may have to wait until previous meetingsand engagements already in progress are completed (and a meeting time is NOTguaranteed, although we will do our best to do so).HOW DO I MAKE AN APPOINTMENT WITH MY COUNSELOR?In order to make an appointment with your counselor you will need to fill out a RequestForm. Request forms can be obtained from your teachers, or in the Counseling Office. Fillin the appropriate information requested and submit your form to the counselor. Yourcounselor will call for you at the next available time slot.HOW OFTEN SHOULD I SEE MY COUNSELOR?You should see your counselor at least once per semester. If you have not seen yourcounselor, you should take the initiative to make an appointment, as explained above. Besure to assess your graduation progress and ask questions. Counselors have large caseloadsand it takes time to meet with students, however they will honor your appointment requestsshould you need more time between appointments made by your counselor.HOW LONG WILL AN APPOINTMENT TAKE?The length of an appointment will vary depending on the information or issues that need tobe discussed. Most appointments will last approximately 10-20 minutes on average.WHAT WILL WE TALK ABOUT?We will cover different things at different times, such as academic progress, college, careers,extracurricular activities, personal and social issues, time management, study habits, goalsetting, and much more. Students are welcome to openly discuss topics of their choosing or
concern. It is also vital to understand that any information discussed with your counselorwill be completely confidential unless there is mention of harm to yourself or others, or ifyou give permission to share information with another faculty member or parent.AREN'T APPOINTMENTS FOR KIDS IN TROUBLE/STRUGGLING?Absolutely NOT! Counselor appointments are for EVERYBODY, and are individualized toeach student's needs. We may help those who are struggling but we also assist those doingwell with achieving higher goals.It is also very important to know that our discussions will remain confidential - which means
we cannot disclose any information to anybody, unless you mention harming yourself or
Last Modified on October 3, 2017