• Mathematics Homework Help

    Quick links to use:
            http://classzone.com/                                                              http://mathzone.com/
            http://purplemath.com/                                                             http://coolmath.com/
            http://jc-schools.net/tutorials/interact-math.htm                         http://www.webmath.com/

    Hotmath Service

    Hotmath is a new internet service available to all students.  The Hotmath website contains detailed, step-by-step solutions to the odd-numbered problems in our algebra 1, geometry, and algebra 2 textbooks.  Follow these simple directions to take advantage of the Hotmath website.
    1.    Go to the website http://www.hotmath.com .
    2.    Click on “algebra 1”, “geometry”, or “algebra 2” (top of the page).
    3.    Find your textbook and click on its picture (we use the following textbooks in District 205).

    Algebra 1


    Algebra 2

    Algebra 1


    Algebra 2

    4.   Login using the password  thornwood1 (right hand side of the page).

    5.    When you want to find the solution to certain problem, type in the page number, and click on “GO.” 
          The website will list each odd numbered problem on that page. 
    6.    Click on the number of the problem in question. 
    7.    Hotmath will then show you the solution to the problem one step at a time.  Keep clicking on the next
           step button until the problem is completely solved.    
    8.    It is important that you have your book with you when you access Hotmath because the website is  
           unable to show you the original problem from the book.  Legally, they can only show you the solution.