Thornton Township High Schools District 205 has policies related to student medication administration based on established Illinois’ regulations and guidelines. The overall goal of medication administration in school is to provide a safe means of effectively administering medication to students, in order to help each student remain in school which increases their chances of being academically successful.

The medications shall be those required, during school hours, which are necessary to provide the student access to the educational program. According to Thornton Township High Schools District 205 POLICY FOR ADMINSTRATION OF MEDICATION GUIDELINES, any student taking prescription and/or non-prescription (over-the-counter) medication must submit a completed THORNTON TOWNSHIP HIGH SCHOOLS DISTRICT 205 SCHOOL MEDICATION AUTHORIZATION FORM.

  • Medication must be presented to the School Nurse in its original container with the student’s name appearing on the label.
  • All physician orders and parent permission statements must be renewed at the beginning of each school year. The nurses' office must also be notified of any updates or modifications to all prescriptions.
  • Student medication is kept in a locked drawer and an inventory is completed quarterly and with each prescription refill.
  • Medications which require refrigeration are stored separately.
  • Students who are allowed to self-administer medications, such as asthma medications, Epinephrine auto-injectors, and diabetes medications, must have permission on file in the nurse’s office to allow for self-administration of said medications. Students must also demonstrate responsibility, and proper care and administration of the medication, with the school nurse periodically monitoring each student and providing additional education and support as needed on an individual basis.
TTHS DIST 205 SCHOOL MEDICATION AUTHORIZATION FORM ENGLISH.pdf, 72.24 KB; (Last Modified on October 1, 2015)