How to Make up points from Non-Participation

Our Department strongly encourages all students to dress in their PE Uniforms with slip resistant shoes (gym shoes) and participate in the planned activities to the best of their abilities daily. However should a student fall behind in their grades the following actions to increase their grades can be taken advantage of: 

Our PE Faculty is available Monday through Thursday from 2:35-3pm for Physical Activity PE Make-ups

  • Students must be dressed in "Workout Attire" or Dressed to be physically active
  • 100% credit will be given for completed workouts

Written Assignments maybe given in certain situations at the teacher's discretion 

  • During the class period 
  • During Communication Period
  • 100% credit will be given for completed assignments

A students action plan will be created between the Teacher and the Student 

  • SMART Goals
  • Ownership 
  • Accountability